ttv Team Hemd Jeans Lager BüroFor ttv boss Harald Nitzschke, nothing beats top-class advice, customer support and service. That's why ttv is continually investing in the quality of its employees in the Development, Purchasing, Sales and Logistics departments.

Customers are provided with on-site advice and support from Massimiliano Casini-Cherici, graduate engineer from a university of applied sciences (Sales and Technology), Volker Hirsch, Bachelor of Engineering from a university of applied sciences and Managing Director Harald Nitzschke, as well as Harald's father Jochen Nitzschke in the case of special projects.

Our internal sales team has also been expanded to include a further seven employees, allowing the team to process technical requirements, orders and enquiries. Because where would the ttv team be without Development, Purchasing and Logistics?

This is why we are proud of our dynamic team that takes on every new challenge with enthusiasm. After all: Thanks to our specialisation in engineering solutions, we can always find the perfect solution for you, whether standard products available from stock or customer-specific and project-specific solutions!