Price development and delivery times

The development and dynamics of business development could not be foreseen. Political decisions have influenced our private and business lives.
The order situation has developed positively; since March, production has been running at full capacity until October/November. There are supply problems.
Major Chinese ports have been closed, there is a lack of containers and freight capacities, air freight capacities are overbooked.
Demands cannot be met as desired due to the 12-month capacity utilisation.
An initial price adjustment has taken place in the market, but orders are still coming in. It is not possible to switch to second and third productions.
The price spiral has partly reached 100% and is turning faster and faster because capacities are overbooked.
ttv customers benefited from a moderate price adjustment through individual consideration and existing stocks, which have been used up in the meantime.
From October onwards, only newly produced goods will be delivered. Unfortunately, it is unavoidable to pass on price increases and developments.
Therefore, ttv is working on a solution to be able to offer its customers more stability in 2022.