Current development

Currently, we are giving you an insight into the procurement of materials and production cost developments in general. With the exception of individual materials and compounds or processing aids, most starting materials can be ordered again with normalized delivery times.
Fortunately, for the first time in years, prices for starting materials have normalized. Looking back over the last few months, prices have stagnated at a high level. The recent opening of the Chinese market and the resulting demand must be closely monitored in terms of availability and thus cost development. Contrary developments may occur here in the short term. The evaluation of production cost development also shows stabilization at a high level.
Due to regular negotiations with all partners in the production and supply chain, we are able to take these successes into account when calculating future articles and goods.
As of today, we see an improved cost structure on merchandise inflows from the past production quarter.
Our next consideration is European-German costs and ancillary costs, which have changed to a considerable extent and are a decisive burden on our business calculations.