ttv service competence
Beyond assembly and fitting, ttv also offers customer-specific product adaptations. This is where a customer’s specific requirements can be put into practice. For example, a hole can be made in end caps in order to guarantee compatibility with other components. Part labelling can also be provided at the customer’s request in order to achieve better traceability within the production process.
Another aspect of customer-specific product adaptations is the surface treatment. This could involve, for example, the application of Molykote in order to reduce the surface friction of the O-ring. This would mean that an O-ring could be used for a dynamic application, for example, or it could allow for separation during automated assembly.
ttv also offers customers the chance to choose their desired colours when it comes to the elastomers. The customers can therefore select a seal colour that matches their corporate identity, or they can choose certain colours that ensure a clearer distinction between parts or allocation to different areas of application. With these customer-specific product adaptations, ttv provides its customers with increased flexibility and tailored solutions to meet their requirements.